Bindscan v. 0.9.2

A tool to check DNS zone files, like the ones bind uses.
A “scavenge” alternative.
It was written because “scavenge”, no longer mantained, doesn’t work on recent distributions.

Download and expand the script:

Ensure it's executable, run in terminal.

Contains man page: perldoc …path-to…/bindscan

Uno strumento per controllare le zone DNS, come quelle di bind.
Una alternativa a “scavenge”.
È stato scritto perché “scavenge”, non più mantenuto, non funziona su distribuzioni recenti.

Scaricare ed espandere lo script:

Assicurarsi che sia flaggato eseguibile, lanciarlo via terminale.

Contiene una man page: perldoc …path-to…/bindscan

    bindscan [options] zone-name zone-file [ptr-name ptr-file]*
    -h --help      print help and exit - man: perldoc bindscan
    -l --log       Path to logfile (provide path, default: STDOUT)
    -p --noping    Skip ping tests (default: perform ping test)
    -P --nosynping Syntax tests without ping (default: ping)
    -q --quiet     Suppress progress report on STDERR
    -r --noptr     Skip PTR check (default: check if PTR(s) are provided)
    -R --noptrzone Skip report if PTR zone file is missing (default: report)
    -s --nosyn     Skip syntax tests (default: perform tests)
    -t --timeout   Seconds before timeout (provide integer, default: 2)
    zone-name      Mandatory: The name of the zone (e.g.:
    zone-file      Mandatory: Path to the forward zone file
    ptr-name       Optional:  Base IP of the PTR (e.g.: 205.139.26)
    ptr-file       Optional:  Path to the PTR zone file
                   Repeat PTR couples if more than one.
Parameters file:
    @filepath      Parameters couples
                   Any set of parameters zone couples (name/file) can be
                   replaced by a file (provide its full or local path).
                   This file reports per each line zone name and file path
                   separated by white space(s) and/or tab(s).
                   Comments prefixed by ";" or "#", empty lines are ignored.

Bindscan is © 2020 by Marco Balestra,
Free for personal and commercial use, no implicit or explicit warranty is provided, released under GPL 4 license.